Life A User’s Manual

by Georges Perec

The title, with its insipid New Age flavor, is the worst thing about
this bold work of experimental fiction.   During the same decade
Georges Perec’s novel most famous book was released, the
bestseller charts were filled with …

Knut Hamsun’s Hunger

Essay by Ted Gioia

What do we do about Knut Hamsun? Should we honor him as a Nobel Prize winner in
literature? Was he, as some claim, the first great modernist in fiction? Or was he just recycling
Dostoevsky for …

The Bumbling Shostakovich

Essay by Ted Gioia

At first glance, William T. Vollmann’s Europe Central demands respect
as a serious and sober historical novel. The book is massive; the cover
foreboding. The characters are dark and gloomy, and the incidents related
are even …

Can a Dictionary Be a Novel?

Milorad Pavić’s Dictionary of the Khazars

By Ted Gioia

At times, the progressive spirits of 20th century fiction seemed
determined to turn the novel into something other than fiction.  In
their opinion, the novel might resemble an annotated poem, a …

The Rise of theFragmented Novel

(An Essay in 26 Fragments)

                          by Ted Gioia


Mainstream literary fiction is falling to pieces.   


This may not be a bad thing.


The fragmented novel has been a mainstay of the literary
world for the last …